Monday, January 22, 2007

Managing joint doctors: An offer for you

In this beginning of year, and just in case that someone is interested in changing life (despite that theoretically this year we will pay in Spain 6 % less of tax average), an interesting job offer: the Hospital of the Brotherhood For Foundation Chinguetti are looking for The Medical Director. The Foundation Chinguetti is an Spanish NGO that it has constructed, equipped and supports a Hospital in Chinguetti (Mauritania), which aim is to help to the development of Mauritanian population, improving their health conditions. The functions of the DM will be directing, coordinating the human team under his/her guardianship and giving sanitary assistance. The economic conditions are negotiable, but approximately they expect to pay 30.000 € brute per year.
To be Pedantic in Medicine (in case of foreigners - I understand that of out of Spain-, they demand the homologation of the degree). It will be valued to have high level of French, and availability to fix your residence in Chinguetti. They Look for a person with initiative, a person in charge, with aptitude for teamwork and decisive ... do you know about someone?

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